Lawyer Checker is partnering with the lawyer referral scheme Lawshare on Tuesday 13th July at 10am to host a Cyber Security Prevention webinar.
Since the global pandemic, the huge adaption to home and hybrid working has unfortunately coupled with a further growth in cyber-criminal threat. Lawyer Checker has tracked a worrying 147% rise in alerts form the Solicitors Regulation Authority when comparing data from January-March 2020 to the same time this year. With this in mind, it has never been more important for lawyers and solicitors to ensure protective measures are put in place for the cyber security of their firm.
At any one time, there are 1400 criminal organisations targeting the legal sector according to HM Government. It is critical that law firms adopt a culture of cyber awareness. The biggest risk to your business from a cyber-point of view is your staff and leaders should drive the cultural behaviour needed to fight cyber-crime.
Partner Peter Finkill-Coombs from the Lawshare team at JMW said “We work with over 550 lawyers and law firms from all over the country and the issues surrounding cyber security have never been more pertinent. Knowledge and awareness are absolutely key, so we’re delighted to be able to bring this important update to our members.”
Mark Siwiec, Cyber Business Development Manager at Lawyer Checker added “Ensuring your firm has protective measures in place against the most common cyber threats has never ben more important. Lawyer Checker works with hundreds of firms and outsourced IT departments to defend against cyber fraud, we witness first-hand the prevalent threat to the legal sector every day.
“That’s why the free webinar we’re holding with Lawshare is so important. I’ll be sharing lots of cyber security hints and tips and explaining the simple steps law firms can take to help protect themselves.”
Mark Siwiec will share cyber security hints and tips on:
- The no brainers
- Resources for educating staff
- Password security
- Stop a criminal impersonating company email addresses
- Monitor availability on the dark web
- Further preventative measures
To reserve your free place on the webinar, simply complete your details on the booking form on the left hand of this page: