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2021 is an extremely dangerous time to be dealing with property transactions if necessary checks are not followed. Make sure your livelihood isn’t at risk. Make sure your Solicitor/Conveyancer uses Lawyer Checker.

Only 6% of Law Firms Protect Their Money Transfers

We consider the risks associated with money transfer fraud which in 2018 saw c.£11m of client money be compromised as a result of cyber fraud.

Insight: The impact cyber crime has on conveyancing - Part 3

In this short blog series, Lawyer Checker’s Jennifer Williams has outlined, what cyber crime is and how criminals are infiltrating conveyancing transactions and stealing funds. This week she is focusing on what law firms can do to mitigate their risk.

When checking a client's ID, how do you know if they are real or fake?

More law firms are benefiting from significant time savings while improving the consumer experience they provide clients by adopting the latest in anti-money laundering and client verification technology.

Insight: The impact cyber crime has on conveyancing - Part 2

In this short blog series, Lawyer Checker’s Jennifer Williams outlines how criminals are infiltrating conveyancing transactions and stealing funds, and what law firms can do to mitigate their risk.

Insight: The impact cyber crime has on conveyancing - Part 1

Recent news of the withdrawal from the insurance market of AON sparks an interesting thought about selling your law firm’s cyber story.

SRA Reports